About Me

I have been diagnosed with autism and yet when I tell people this, they think I’m kidding. “Adam, April Fools Day was DAYS ago! You don’t LOOK autistic!” Well what do autistic people look like? I know an autistic guy who looks like a hipster. Are you saying autistic people look like hipsters? Or is it the other way around?

I’m currently getting my MSEd in childhood special education with specialization in behavior disorders from Hunter College. I’m also gonna study music therapy at some point and hopefully get a PhD in psychology in the future (possibly clinical, maybe developmental). I’ve worked extensively with autistic people and want to work with children on the spectrum.

I became interested in autism after trying to push it away from my identity for so long and then realizing that I may be fooling everybody but I’m not fooling myself. I officially came out as such on March 28, 2013 via a Facebook note for the sake of my inner peace of mind.

Here’s a picture of me, fresh out of bed, before the whole shit-shower-shave routine.

Photo on 4-23-13 at 12.10 PM


Other than being a mentor by day and angry writer by night, I compose instrumental electronic music under different pseudonyms. Music is kind of a big deal for me so you might see me post about it and do some shameless promotion from time to time but I promise to keep at least the latter to a minimum. Here’s my Bandcamp page for complete music and here’s my Soundcloud page for stray stuff and experiments


When I’m not writing, studying, or composing, I’m doing one of the following:

  • swimming
  • reading
  • biking
  • practicing karate
  • enjoying fine beers and whiskey (wine is for sophists)
  • talking to my girlfriend
  • making conceptually interesting yet poorly executed art like so:

Bort Sumpson by Angry Autie

Yeah, I’m a rather solitary fellow.

I’m Egyptian and Slovenian by origin and I currently live in New York City. In addition to English, I can speak Arabic, some Spanish, and some French. I used to speak passable German and Latin but now I don’t. Come to think of it, you probably don’t care what languages I speak since I write predominantly in English and that’s good enough to the average web surfer.

I have a B.A. in philosophy but I was one of those impractical and quixotic students who took courses in whatever the fuck he wanted, regardless of its future usability or lack thereof or relevance to my degree. But my education ultimately centered around not only philosophy and music but also literature and psychology. Thankfully, I’m pursuing something more practical now.

I listen to extreme metal almost exclusively but I also love jazz, progressive rock, some classic rock, classical music from the 1900s onwards, and various forms of electronic music (some danceable, some not). Pop music is a hit-and-miss kind of prospect for me.

Contrary to popular opinion, I give no shits about trains. I don’t mind them and I like riding them but it doesn’t go beyond that.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi: I AM old enough to be your (grand?)father and just found out that I have Aspergers about six or seven years ago. Do you have Asperger’s or autism? They are very different. You sound more like Asperger’s. Anyway, I am kind of freakish in another way in that I experienced severe trauma while an infant. There is evidence that such an experience makes one much more open to new experiences as an adult. So, I am an aspie who likes new things, including socializing, except that I have no social skills. I am sort of a professional outsider.

    You might want to check out my website xfoolnature.org, and an article that got me interested in writing. Enter the two words orwells boot into any search engine, and my article will be the first one up, usually under the name factotum666

    The only music that I like is by dead white guys, preferably dead well before I was born, but I do like Frank Zappa. Maybe I like music by DWG whose music requires an attention span of more than 5 min

    About the masturbation. Not hopeless. I have been with my domestic partner for about 30 years. We have a 24 year old son. She is also different. Among other things, the first journeywoman cabinet maker in Colorado, now teaches elementary art. (Graduate of Risdi with a masters in education.)

  2. Your blog is currently included on our Actually Autistic Blogs List (anautismobserver.wordpress.com). Please personalize your blog’s description by selecting “About the list/How do you want your blog listed?” from the top menu on that site.
    Thank you.
    Judy (An Autism Observer)

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